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Do you know?...................#crazyfacts

#crazyfacts Do you know? An American was trying to make an herbal medicine, he took coke leaves and kola nut and mixed them. He put it for a long time, nothing happened. He again take coke leaves and kola nut and make a mixture juice from it. He drink it, this juice could recover acidity, indigestion and many other stomach disease. He open a company named "Coca-Cola" but this juice was used as a soft drink and thus it was made Coca-Cola soft drink. Coca-Cola was originally green but it made many colours by food colouring. क्या आप जानते हैं? एक अमेरिकी व्यक्ति एक हर्बल दवा बनाने की कोशिश कर रहे थे, उन्होेंने कोक की पत्तियों और कोला नट्स को लिया और उन्हें मिश्रित किया। उन्होंने इसे लंबे समय तक रखा, कुछ भी नहीं हुआ। उन्होंने फिर से कोक की पत्तियों और कोला नट्स को लिया और इसे मिश्रित कर रस बनाया। उन्होंने इसे पिया, यह रस अम्लता, अपच और कई अन्य पेट की बीमारी को ठीक कर सकता था। उन्होंने "कोका-कोला" नाम की एक कंपनी खोल दी लेकिन इस रस का उपयोग शीतल पेय के रूप में किया जान...

Do you know?...............#crazyfacts

#crazyfacts Do you know? Hot water freezes before cold water. It is called "Mpemba effect" in thermodynamics. It is named on the scientist 'Erasto B. Mpemba.' He gave it's first idea. Some people said, "hot water evaporates and reduces mass of water that's why it is.      It is also then possible when some impurities are dissolved in water while some gases and impurities are released by hot water. Hydrogen bonding is also effects the water freezing because hot water contains weak hydrogen bonding. क्या आप जानते हैं? गर्म पानी ठंडे पानी से पहले जम जाता है। इसे ऊष्मागतिकी में "पेम्बा प्रभाव" कहा जाता है। इसका नाम वैज्ञानिक 'एरास्टो बी पेम्बा' के नाम पर रखा गया है। उन्होंने सबसे पहले यह विचार दिया। कुछ लोगों ने कहा, "गर्म पानी वाष्पित हो जाता है और पानी के द्रव्यमान को कम करता है।      यह तब भी संभव होता है जब गर्म पानी में कुछ अशुद्धियाँ घुली होती हैं जबकि गर्म होने पर पानी में से कुछ गैसें और अशुद्धियाँ निकल जाती हैं। हाइड्रोजन ब...

Do you know?................#crazyfacts

 #crazyfacts  Do you know? How we sneeze? When something is detected by our trigeminal nerve, our lungs take a deep inhalation and our glottis close. Then suddenly our glottis open and air comes out with a pressure of diaphragm. This air comes with 100 MPH of speed and expels that thing.      It is also said that our sneezing style or pattern may be genetic because sneeze is created from our all body muscle and cells. Our throat only sends vibrations. Our tongue, lips, teeth and nose changes it in voice by making different patterns. क्या आप जानते हैं? हम कैसे छींकते हैं? जब हमारे ट्रिगेमिनल तंत्रिका द्वारा कुछ पता लगाया जाता है, तो हमारे फेफड़े एक गहरी साँस लेते हैं और हमारे ग्लोटिस बन्द हो  जाते हैं। फिर अचानक हमारे ग्लोटिस खुलते हैं और हवा डायाफ्राम के दबाव के साथ बाहर आती है। यह हवा 100 मील प्रति घंटे की गति के साथ आती है और उस चीज़ को बाहर निकाल देती है। यह भी कहा जाता है कि हमारी छींकने वाली शैली या पैटर्न अनुवांशिक हो सकती है क्योंकि छींक हमार...

Do you know?...............#crazyfacts

#crazyfacts Do you know? Our fingernails grow averagely 3.52 mm per month. Fingernails are made of a hard material called "keratin." Rhinoceros' horns, animal hoofs, bird feathers and human hair is also made of keratin. Fingernails grow faster in summer days than winter. Hitting through your fingernails stimulates its growth. Nail biting is called 'Onychophagia.'      Your middle fingernail grows faster than any other fingernail and thumbnail grows slower than any other fingernail. Nail Polish was first made in China before 3000BC from egg white, gelatin, vegetables dye and wax. Our fingernails stop growing after death, some myths say that " Our fingernails grow after death." But actually our skin shrinks and so our nails come out after death, so people think that our nails are growing. क्या आप जानते हैं? हमारे नाखून प्रति माह औसतन 3.52 मिमी बढ़ते हैं। नाखून "केराटिन" नामक एक कठोर पदार्थ से बने होते है। गैंडे की सींग , पशुओं के खुर , पक्षियो...

Do you know?....................#crazyfacts

#crazyfacts Do you know? Owls are the birds who can move their head to 270° because they have 14 neck vertebrae and humans have 7 neck vertebrae. So, their neck be very flexible. Owls' different species makes different sounds. So, we can separate their species by their voice. Owls eat some small birds and insects. Some species also eat fish. A group of owls called "Parliament." Owl flies most silently, it flaps it's wings in a special pattern and it's feathers absorb the flapping sound, so it reduces its sound upto 2kHz.  Owls can't move their eyes , they can move their head to 270° instead of it. They do less body movement and make less noise for prey. क्या आप जानते हैं? उल्लू ऐसे पक्षी होते हैं जो अपने सिर को 270 डिग्री तक ले जा सकते हैं क्योंकि उनके पास 14 गर्दन कशेरुका होती है और मनुष्यों के पास 7 गर्दन कशेरुका होती है। इसीलिए , उनकी गर्दन बहुत लचीली होती है। उल्लू की विभिन्न प्रजातियां अलग-अलग प्रकार की आवाज़ें निकालती हैं। इस प्रकार हम उनकी प्रजातियों ...

Friends! Do you know?...................#crazyfacts

 #crazyfacts  Friends! Do you know? Hummingbird is the smallest bird in all birds. Its nest is as small as it is. It is the size of a walnut. The smallest hummingbird is "Bee Hummingbird," which is 5 cm long  and 2g heavy. They flip their wings 12-80 times and create a high frequency sound, so they called "Hummingbird. "दोस्तो! क्या आप जानते हैं? हमिंगबर्ड सभी पक्षियों में सबसे छोटा पक्षी है। इसका घोंसला इसके जितना छोटा है। यह एक अखरोट के आकार का है। सबसे छोटा हमिंगबर्ड का नाम "मधुमक्खी हमिंगबर्ड" है, जो 5 सेमी लंबा और 2 ग्राम भारी है। वे अपने पंखों को 12-80 बार फ्लिप करते हैं और एक उच्च आवृत्ति ध्वनि बनाते हैं, इसलिए इन्हें "हमिंगबर्ड" कहा जाता है। Follow me on- Facebook- Instagram- Twitter- 

Friends! Do you know?.................#crazyfacts

#crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? It was found in study of 2013 that " A pure breed dog lives 1.25 years less than a mixed bred dogs. It is also said that a heavier dog lives a short life. The longest living breeds of the dogs are-Toy Poodle, Japanese Spitz, Border Terrier and Tibetan Spaniel who live averagely 14 to 15.3 years. The longest lived dog was "Bluey" who was died in at 29.5 years of age. Both male and female dogs matures in sexual matters after within 6 months to 1 years. Some breeds takes two years. Some studies say that dogs can feel and see also Earth's magnetic field. Grapes, raisins, nuts, garlic, onion and chocolates is poisonous for dogs. Dogs can read and learn body language and voice commands. Dogs Communicate through eye gazing, facial expressions, vocalization, body postures, scents, pheromones, and tastes. Humans communicate to dogs by vocalization, hand signals, and body postures. Some countries as China, Philippines, Vietnam, Korea use dogs...

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#crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? Ostrich has big eyes. It is given by the nature instead of any other abilities. It is also bigger than its brain. It is beneficial to detect the hunters and bottle necks around it. It is very helpful for an ostrich.      क्या आप जानते हैं? शुतुरमुर्ग की बहुत बड़ी आंखें होती हैं। यह किसी भी अन्य क्षमताओं के बजाय प्रकृति द्वारा इसे दिया जाता है। इसकी आंखे इसके मस्तिष्क से भी बड़ी होती हैं। ये आंखे इसके चारों ओर शिकारियों और बाधाओं का पता लगाने में अत्यधिक सहायक हैं। यह एक शुतुरमुर्ग के लिए बहुत ही उपयोगी है।      Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb 

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#crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? Shrimp is an sea insect, its heart is found in its head because its head has a thin, strong layer on its head which protects its all body organs. It has an open blood circulation system.                                                     दोस्त!  क्या आप जानते है?  झींगा एक समुद्री कीट है, इसका दिल इसके सिर में पाया जाता है क्योंकि इसके सिर पर एक पतली, मजबूत परत होती है जो इसके शरीर के सभी अंगों की रक्षा करती है।  इसमें एक खुला रक्त परिसंचरण तंत्र है।  Follow me on-                                                                               ...

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 #crazyfacts  Friends! Do you know? A neutron star has too much density. It attracts the things with a very strong force. Due to its too high density, it is heavy as much six crore tons of only a teaspoon. दोस्तो! क्या आप जानते हैं? एक न्यूट्रॉन स्टार में बहुत अधिक घनत्व होता है। यह एक बहुत मजबूत बल के साथ चीजों को आकर्षित करता है। इसके बहुत अधिक घनत्व के कारण, इसका केवल एक चम्मच 6 करोड़ टन के बराबर होता है। on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb 

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 #crazyfacts  Friends! Do you know? The moon becomes very hot (224°F) in the day while it becomes very cold (-243°F) at night. When Neil Armstrong has gone there, it was 66°C. Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb

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 #crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? A natural electric jork is 50000 Fahrenheit which is 5 time hotter than the sun. We can't feel it because the air is bad conductor of electric. It creates 100000 Ampier current with 100000000 volt potential difference. Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey

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  #crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? Rain contains vitamin B12. Many microorganisms founds in nature which produce Vitamin B12. When rain falls then they mix with rain and produce Vitamin B12. This the reason of it.    क्या आप जानते हो? बारिश के पानी में विटामिन B12 पाया जाता है। कई  जीवाणु जो विटामिन B12 बनाते है, प्रकृति में पाये जाते हैं। जब वर्षा होती है तो वे जीवाणु पानी में घुल जाते हैं और विटामिन B12 का उत्पादन करते हैं। यही इसका कारण है। Follow me on- Facebook  Instagram  Twitter Shutterstock Google Profile Subscribe this blog for more facts.......

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 #crazyfacts  Friends! Do you know? There create 2000 tornados every minute on the earth. Many of them were faced by US approx 1200 tornadoes. The people decided to name the hurricanes and storms in 1953. Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey

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   #crazyfacts Friends! Do you know?         We learn  reading and writing skills by going school, but there was a person who learnt it by himself. He was Frederick Douglass. Click here to know more about him. Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb  Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey 

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#crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? German chocolate cake was made in  "America" not in Germany. It was named "German chocolate cake" at the name of its maker named  ''Sam German." Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey   

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#crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? Why we call pound cake ''Pound Cake?" Then see, Once, in 18th century in Northern Europe it was made a cake for a pound flour, a pound sugar, a pound eggs and a pound butter. So people thought to name it "Pound Cake." Follow me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey  

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 #crazyfacts Friends! Do you know? The fastest rain was recorded in a storm near a big volcano. It has been said that the rain was falling for 18 MPH. It was the fastest rain ever recorded in history. Follow me on- facebook instagram Twitter \ Shutterstock Google You Tube

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  #crazyfacts We used many things when we have no currency in ancient times, often, we used a specific thing as currency.       But, do you know that  on the South Atlantic  island of Tristan da Cunha, potato were produced at a large scale. It was a thing daily use so it were once used as currency. Follow  me on- Instagram-@vaibhavdubey_vb Twitter-@vaibhav_dubey

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  Friends! Do you know, we call peanuts "Peanut or Groundnut" but these are not nuts these are legumes as a pea. These are legumes which seems hard and so it called "Peanuts" but actually these are not nuts. #crazyfacts  Follow me on- Youtube Facebook Instagram Twitter Shutterstock

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 Pigeons are the bird who understand space and time. Watch more amazing facts on my  facebook page.

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A poem to the Nature.....

दोस्तों! काव्य का गहन विस्तृत सरोवर बड़ा ही मनोहर होता है तथा इसके अमूल्य मोती प्राणी जगत के हृदयों को आनन्द से रसारोहित कर देते हैं। आइए, पढ़ते हैं इस कविता को और प्राप्त करते हैं:) रस युक्त सलिल दल पुंजो पर  है कलित झलकती कल-कल से; भ्रम भ्रमर गूंजता गूंज-गूंज पुष्पों के दल पर दल-दल से। द्रुम-पादप करते हैं किलोल, मोती सम लगते नद्य-नीर; पुष्पों के अधरों पर बहती शीतल, निर्मल, चंचल समीर। कमलों की पंखुड़ियों से पंख लहराते जैसे जलप्रपात; भानु रश्मि में लिपटे पुलकित रंग-बिरंगे, स्वर्ण गात। गिरि नभधर का यह उच्च शिखर है अंशुमालि से चमक रहा; प्राणि जगत कौतूहल से, सर्वत्र प्रेम रस बरस रहा। Follow me on- Facebook Instagram You tube Twitter Shutterstock

the Heaven of Earth(A story of true heart)

दोस्तों, हम हमेशा कहानियाँ सुनना पसंद करते हैं। और हम भी उनमें से बहुत कुछ सीखते हैं।      तो चलिए दोस्तों, शुरू करते हैं और लेते हैं आनंद इस कहानी का.... The sun was shining much, it has a great power to provide light all over the world and the power which could heat everything.      While there downward Kitty, the squirrel, was very happy because she had got permission from her mother to go out. She was going upto big trees, huge mountains and grassy fields. She was eating sweet apples and nuts. She was very happy because she was now free. No one was for her prohibition. So, walking from one tree to another tree and one to another land, she reached a city which was near the forest.      She reached at a big house, it was Tanya's home. She was surprised to see all the things as buildings, bulbs, TV, AC, car,bed and all the things which she had never seen in the forest.       There was ...