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the Heaven of Earth(A story of true heart)

दोस्तों, हम हमेशा कहानियाँ सुनना पसंद करते हैं। और हम भी उनमें से बहुत कुछ सीखते हैं।      तो चलिए दोस्तों, शुरू करते हैं और लेते हैं आनंद इस कहानी का.... The sun was shining much, it has a great power to provide light all over the world and the power which could heat everything.      While there downward Kitty, the squirrel, was very happy because she had got permission from her mother to go out. She was going upto big trees, huge mountains and grassy fields. She was eating sweet apples and nuts. She was very happy because she was now free. No one was for her prohibition. So, walking from one tree to another tree and one to another land, she reached a city which was near the forest.      She reached at a big house, it was Tanya's home. She was surprised to see all the things as buildings, bulbs, TV, AC, car,bed and all the things which she had never seen in the forest.       There was no one in the house so she was looking all the things concentrating on them. Sud