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Showing posts from June, 2021

Do you know about rats?.............#crazyfacts

 #crazyfacts   Do you know? Rats teeth always keep growing.  It grows 5 inches per year, so rats gnaw wood, clothes and also metals. A species of rats can swim for three days and can hold their breath for three minutes. Some species can swim over a mile. Rats keep itself cool by expanding and suppressing its veins in its tail because they can't sweat. Rats laugh when we tickle them, they make a chirp voice.   क्या आप जानते हैं? चूहों के दांत हमेशा बढ़ते रहते हैं। ये प्रति वर्ष 5 इंच बढ़ते है, इसलिए चूहे लकड़ी, कपड़े और धातु की वस्तुओं को भी कुतरते रहते हैं। चूहों की एक प्रजाति तीन दिनों तक तैर सकती है और तीन मिनट तक अपनी सांस रोक सकती है। कुछ प्रजातियां एक मील से भी अधिक तैर सकती हैं। चूहे अपनी पूँछ की नसों को खींचकर और दबाकर खुद को ठंडा रखते हैं क्योंकि उनमें पसीना नहीं आता है। जब हम उन्हें गुदगुदी करते हैं तो चूहे भी हंसते हैं। वे एक चहचहाने की ध्वनि निकालते हैं। Follow me on- Facebook Instagram Twitter Shutterstock Google

Do you know about ants?..................#crazyfacts

 #crazyfacts    Do you know? Ant's body is very tiny so they have no their own respiratory system. there are holes in their body, oxygen passes through them and also carbon dioxide comes out through them. These holes are connected with tubes which supply oxygen in cells, this tube works by ant's movement.      Ants have no ears, they listen through ground vibrations. They communicate through their antennas and also by releasing smells behind them. Some species of ants can swim, they can float over water. They can hold their breathe for a long time.      Ants have two stomachs, they use one for itself and another to give food to other mates.       Ant are good farmers, they had learnt farming 5 million years before the humans. A species  of ants named "leaf cutter" brings leaves of liptus tree and grows fungi on it which is used as food and sweater in winter.     Queen ants and some d...